Your Heart - Your Spirit - Your Joy


If you’re exhausted and overwhelmed and your spirit is longing for rest, yet there is still so much to be done…


I want to invite you to join me in a 28 Day immersion

to restore your heart, your spirit and your life


Yes, The world is in chaos. We are all so weary.

AND we’ve got holy work to do.

We have children and grandchildren to raise, hearths and hearts to tend, art and love to make.

Yet we have so little time and space to rest and to nourish ourselves.

We’re in the spring season of new growth

We want to do all the things but the energy is just not there

We have a sacred purpose

To provide a stable, warm container for our ourselves and our loved ones to flourish and grow and evolve into who we were meant
to be.

Learn 3 practices that restore your heart, your spirit and your joy in 15 minutes a day

How we do it

We begin Saturday, April 30th on Beltane - the Festival of Fertility and Joy with a live zoom session.

The stars are aligned to support us with the new moon in Taurus and a partial Solar Eclipse-

It is a time when we can learn just how powerful we are-

  • We begin on Beltane - April 30th

    In this first Zoom session I will share with you the 3 things blocking your joy right now, a way to use your altar to support your restoration and I will walk you through the 3 daily practices.

  • Daily Emails

    Every day you’ll receive an email with poems and encouragement to support you in your 15 minutes of practice

  • Cycle Tracker

    You’ll receive a daily tracker to support your newly forming habits

  • Pop-up FB group

    You’ll receive an invitation to our pop-up FB group (where the zoom sessions will also be streamed) for connection and support with others that are on this journey with you

  • Somatic and Spiritual practices

    You will learn 3 somatic and spiritual practices that ~

    • Expand time and space to allow your body/mind to feel relaxed and spacious instead of hectic and driven

    • Support you gently to see what wants to be seen and finally release what no longer serves you 

    • Allow you to feel gratitude deeply in your body not just as a concept in your mind

    • Cultivate compassion for yourself and others, Increase the love and joy you feel in your life

  • Saturday Zoom sessions that include~

    • The 3 biggest things blocking your joy and vitality- and it’s not what you think

    • 3 practices that will transform how you experience life long term

    • The most powerful way to use an altar to support the restoration of your heart, your spirit and your joy

    • Teachings on the energetics of the body/mind and emotions so you can stop blaming yourself and begin healing the shame of not being capable or worthy

    • How to focus on beauty and joy without bypassing your body signals

Join me in May to

your heart, your spirit and your joy

Ro Marlen

Wisdom Teacher


I’m Ro Marlen

I show awakening souls who are struggling to get well how to be their own medicine and be led through life by their own Divine Nature.

I know how it feels to have your body betray you, to deal with mysterious symptoms no one understands, and be consumed by the pain of not fulfilling the purpose I am here on this earth to live. Everything I teach I have practiced myself on my own healing journey.

Since experiencing a miraculous instantaneous healing in 1997 I’ve trained my in-born ability to see energies and energy systems in the body and studied naturopathy, herbal medicine, and somatic trauma therapies and trained with shamans, miracle healers, and wisdom-keepers from around the world. Since 1999 I’ve guided thousands of people around the world to heal themselves and step into their own Divine Nature.

This immersion is for everyone.

Please feel free to share this invitation with your loved ones.

We’re all needing to RESTORE our hearts and spirits- we need joy, love and compassion to heal ourselves and our world


Dates and Times for Zoom sessions-

Saturday 4/30 @  12pm ET/9am PT/ 18:00 Paris-Berlin- 60 minutes

Saturday 5/7   @  12pm ET/9am PT/ 18:00 Paris-Berlin- 25 minutes

Saturday 5/14 @  12pm ET/9am PT/ 18:00 Paris-Berlin - 25 minutes

Saturday 5/21 @  12pm ET/9am PT/ 18:00 Paris-Berlin- 25 minutes

Saturday 5/28 @  12pm ET/9am PT/ 18:00 Paris-Berlin-60 minutes

All sessions will be recorded and available to watch in the FB pop-up group