Energy of the Month
Your monthly reading
This is your heads-up about the energies of the coming month and how they may affect you mentally, physically and emotionally.
This reading of the moon cycles seasonal energies will also talk you through how to best use the monthly practice.
Audio recording with transcript pdf.
Audio recording - Energy of the Month
Transcript - Energy of the Month
Guided Inner Healing Practice
Your guided meditation
To support you this coming month I have created a practice specifically for the ways the energies this month will be influencing us all.
This month’s practice will guide you to Breathe with the Trees.
When we breathe with the trees, we can follow their life force as it sinks into the mycelial network of the earth, receive messages from the underworld realm, surrender the experiences of the past to the processes of fermentation so that a fertile soil is provided for the seeds of the next evolution of growth our souls are longing for.
With our release we are providing nourishment for not only ourselves, but our communities and the land itself.
This practice-
Balances your consciousness
Cultivates trust, belonging and boundaries
Opens you to curiosity
Helps to open and clear your fire and water channels-soothing overwhelming emotion and nervous system over- activation - calming racing, spinning thoughts
Provides deep grounding of your spiritual bodies into the neutral force of the center of the earth
Attunes you to the land
Strengthens the ability to communicate with dwarf & fairy realm, elements/als, ancestors, planetary beings and earth deities.
Supports a more easeful release of painful frozen energy, allowing it to melt and come into healthy circulation
I invite you to listen to the practice daily if that is doable for you.
If daily practice feels like too much then I would love to invite you to listen to/ do the practice once every few days- as the moon moves through each Zodiac sign and try to practice once during each sign.As you move through the month you may notice some days are more difficult than others.
Maybe in a particular sign you notice you are more activated or even dysregulated emotionally.
These are days to use the extra soothing and grounding practices that you will find below on the Member Page.
Cycle Tracker
Your tool to attune, plan, & understand
Tracking how we're feeling throughout the month gives us valuable knowledge we can use to plan for the times we regularly feel strong, stable, and creative AND allow us to understand and support ourselves when we're not.
When you track your personal cycles you see how your own energy responds to the ebb and flow of the days of the month and the seasons of the year and can plan and align your days in a way that is most powerful for you. You also begin to attune to the rhythms of nature and gain a deeper understanding of your place in the cosmos and how to bring the most potent and powerful energy possible to what you wish to create in your life.
Printable pdf.
Ground & Soothe
Support for your healing process
Also included each month are video and audio guides of simple grounding and soothing practices to support the healing effect of the guided inner healing practice.
The healing process stirs up emotions that need to be allowed and felt so along with healing practices we also need grounding and soothing in order to meet what is without dissociating or re-traumatizing. These practices help you soothe the big emotions as they arise so that you stay within your capacity and don’t go into overwhelm and fragmentation so that you can become whole.
Slow Stretch & Yawn
You can use this practice to interrupt any pattern- spinning thoughts, worry and to transition from doing a task to resting.
It appears to be the fastest and simplest way to reduce neurological stress by increasing cerebral blood flow. Yawning is your brain’s thermoregulatory mechanism. It wakes you up, helps you focus, and interrupts anxious thoughts and feelings.
This practice is helpful when you’re feeling anxious and like everything is too much.
Trust is a physical sensation, not a thought or emotion. In order to cultivate trust we need to physically feel the support of something we can rely on.
Leaning on a wall, desk, table or the floor can provide us that tangible, reliable support that our body needs.
Ground & Soothe Audios
Support for your healing process- to download and have at the ready in your pocket