Ro’s Healing Practices

Internal Cosmic Breath

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Lesson 5 - Internal Cosmic Breath - Audios

Guided Inner Healing Practice

Breathe with the Trees.

When we breathe with the trees, we can follow their life force as it sinks into the mycelial network of the earth, receive messages from the underworld realm, surrender the experiences of the past to the processes of fermentation so that a fertile soil is provided for the seeds of the next evolution of growth our souls are longing for. 

With our release we are providing nourishment for not only ourselves, but our communities and the land itself.

This practice-

  • Balances your consciousness

  • Cultivates trust, belonging and boundaries

  • Opens you to curiosity

  • Helps to open and clear your fire and water channels-soothing overwhelming emotion and nervous system over- activation - calming racing, spinning thoughts

  • Provides deep grounding of your spiritual bodies into the neutral force of the center of the earth

  • Attunes you to the land

  • Strengthens the ability to communicate with dwarf & fairy realm, elements/als, ancestors, planetary beings and earth deities. 

  • Supports a more easeful release of painful frozen energy, allowing it to melt and come into healthy circulation

Your Home Center & Competent Protector - Practice Audio

Your Home Center & Competent Protector - Practice Only Audio

Softening the Exhale

Mother Earth's Embrace

Perfect Inner Weather

We open communication with Breath to foster our body’s trust in us and to begin growing our capacity to hold and transform big energy, especially the energy of big emotions. We need flowing, full, and complete breath to digest our experiences, meet emerging shadow aspects with tenderness and compassion, and follow our Hearts.

Softening the Exhale guided inner practice brings immediate calm and peace to our systems, allowing our body/mind to rest, digest, and regenerate. When practiced regularly, this inner practice cultivates an easeful flow of energy in the body, emotional stability, and mental clarity.

In the 'Mother Earth's Embrace' practice, we immerse ourselves in the grounding forces of gravity, allowing our tired body/mind and spirits to rest and drawing nourishment from Mother Earth's supple body.

Only Earth can comfort, nourish, and rejuvenate us.

When we find the state of awareness that allows us to attune our body and breath to Mother Earth’s body and breath, we feel how our body is held at all times and can relax into her embrace, trusting that we are always safe enough.

Mother Earth’s Embrace guided inner practice immediately slows down our body/mind, allowing the spirits of our soul to nest. When practiced regularly, this inner practice grows and cultivates trust in oneself, in life, and in something greater than ourselves.

'Perfect Inner Weather' is a state of balance and harmony within ourselves. In this practice, we settle into our home center and balance the elements in our systems by tending to them with our loving attention. This attunement allows our body/mind to settle and feel safe enough to show up to our everyday lives with a more potent presence.

Waterfall Orbit - Audio

Guided Inner Healing Practice

To support you this coming month I have created a practice specifically for the ways the energies this month will be influencing us all.

The Warm Drink and Candle Practice

It will nourish your feeling of safety and order to relax your system, support you to build your capacity to feel big energies/emotions and allow you to begin and/or end your day in a ventral vagal state- grounded, curious and connected.

Primordial QiGong - Sage Makes Medicine - Video

Sage Makes Medicine


This practice is helpful when you’re feeling anxious and like everything is too much.
Trust is a physical sensation, not a thought or emotion. In order to cultivate trust we need to physically feel the support of something we can rely on.
Leaning on a wall, desk, table or the floor can provide us that tangible, reliable support that our body needs.