Guided Inner Practice
Your guided meditation
To support you this DeepWinter season I have created a practice for the ways the energies this season will be influencing us all.
This season’s practice- Tend Your Life Force will guide you to give gentle, loving attention to the space holding your kidneys and adrenals and nourish them.
When we tend to our kidneys we are tending the organs in our body that work overtime when we are feeling the chronic stress of life or suppressed trauma in our bodies.
Kidney energy is Water energy is emotional energy and when it is frozen it holds tight our creative life force and the healing inherent in that life force
This practice-
Helps to relax your kidneys so they are receptive to the calm, regenerative energy of DeepWinter’s water element.
Supports you to sink into stillness and have the capacity to receive the truth of who you are
Invites deep Dreaming
I invite you to listen to the practice daily if that is doable for you.
If daily practice feels like too much then I would love to invite you to listen to/ do the practice once every few days- as the moon moves through each Zodiac sign and try to practice once during each sign.
As you move through the month you may notice some days easier and some are more difficult than others.
Maybe in a particular sign you notice you are more activated or even dysregulated emotionally.
These are days to use the extra soothing and grounding practices that you will find below on the Member Page.
New Moon in Aquarius
Every New Moon the Sun sparks the germination of a Soul Star Seed deep within you.
This seed is an aspect of your True Nature, that in alignment with your own personal cycle and season, is wanting to grow into expression.
Aquarius embodies the essence of love and life, promoting liberation and harmony for all beings. The constellation's light touches your soul, encouraging you to embrace your heart's wisdom and let love flow through your mind, ultimately benefiting humanity.
The Aquarius Vase symbolizes your Soul Vessel, an instrument through which you can share your unique talents and gifts with the world, for the harmonious evolution for all.
The light of Aquarius shines on the seed of your soul vessel.
Your Love liberates.
Your love flows through your heart.
The Aquarius vessel is your mind.
The airy nature of Aquarius tends to encourage us to operate from our head- mind disconnected from our heart- mind.
Frozen energy (trauma) holds structures in place that reinforce this disconnect.
I invite you to wonder during this new moon time - What belief structure in me wants to be brought to the light right now, what wants to be seen and acknowledged so that healing happens? So that I come into greater balance?
Am I utilizing my Natural Ability to contribute to the greater good? Or do I find myself distracted and discouraged by the promises of perfection, achievement, and wealth?
New Moon Ritual
Today, embark on a journey to connect with the light of the Aquarius constellation to spark the germination of the Soul Star Seed that wants to grow into the next evolution of your Soul Vessel.
The following altar suggestions are just that, suggestions. You can use what you like and leave what you don’t.
Altar and Ritual Supply Suggestions:
Black altar cloth
Candle- dark blue, carve Aquarius symbol (above at right foot of constellation image) into candle.
Object that symbolizes for you the connection of your heart and mind
Herbs for clearing/purification/blessing (Saining) - cedar, pine, juniper (or a spray you use for this purpose; you can also simply use a feather or a besom for this purpose)
Herbs for dreaming/meditation- mugwort
Gather your supplies, and any additional items you'd like to incorporate and retreat to your Sacred Space.
Set aside at least 30 minutes of quiet time to make the most of your ritual.
You can begin by dimming the lights.
Now sitting before your altar, first use your chosen method and clear and creating an ambiance with candlelight and the soothing aroma of your chosen incense or herbs.
Next, start the audio meditation and immerse yourself in the experience.
Use the provided image at the top of this email or the course dashboard featuring the Aquarius constellation as a focal point during your ritual. This visual aid will help you connect deeply with Aquarius's energy.
As you connect with Aquarius, capture your thoughts, emotions, and any messages you receive through drawing or painting.
Before concluding your ritual, set the intention to receive a dream that will reveal the knowledge needed for your Soul's Vessel's next evolutionary phase.
Cycle Tracker
Your tool to attune, plan, & understand
Tracking how we're feeling throughout the month gives us valuable knowledge we can use to plan for the times we regularly feel strong, stable, and creative AND allow us to understand and support ourselves when we're not.
When you track your personal cycles you see how your own energy responds to the ebb and flow of the days of the month and the seasons of the year and can plan and align your days in a way that is most powerful for you. You also begin to attune to the rhythms of nature and gain a deeper understanding of your place in the cosmos and how to bring the most potent and powerful energy possible to what you wish to create in your life.
Printable pdf.
Ground & Soothe
Support for your healing process
Also included each month are video and audio guides of simple grounding and soothing practices to support the healing effect of the guided inner healing practice.
The healing process stirs up emotions that need to be allowed and felt so along with healing practices we also need grounding and soothing in order to meet what is without dissociating or re-traumatizing. These practices help you soothe the big emotions as they arise so that you stay within your capacity and don’t go into overwhelm and fragmentation so that you can become whole.
Slow Stretch & Yawn
You can use this practice to interrupt any pattern- spinning thoughts, worry and to transition from doing a task to resting.
It appears to be the fastest and simplest way to reduce neurological stress by increasing cerebral blood flow. Yawning is your brain’s thermoregulatory mechanism. It wakes you up, helps you focus, and interrupts anxious thoughts and feelings.