Full Moon in Cancer

Support for your spiritual Becoming- Seed Magic continues with the Full Moon in Cancer

On July 5th, 2024 the Soul Star Seed (aspect of your Soul) that is the compassionate crafter was sparked into germination at the New Moon in Cancer. This Soul Star Seed was awakened on the 7th night of the 12 Nights of Winter 2023/24.

This Full Moon births the compassionate crafter soul aspect that has been growing in you over the last six months into expression. It also shines its light on frozen emotional energy, strategies, and behaviors that keep that soul aspect locked down.

(What you need to know)

Many people understand compassion as sympathy for the suffering of others. But compassion is an action-oriented emotion/energy.

Though the word compassion literally means “to suffer with”- from the Latin root -”compati,” among emotion researchers at the University of Berkeley in California, it is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another's suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. Compassion is not the same as empathy or altruism, though the concepts are related. * ( We are built to be kind)

Energetically, compassion lies on the same vibration as anger. Both anger and compassion are emotions of the Wood Energy System. The Wood System is associated with your liver and spring's generating, upward rising, and outward expanding energy. This energy allows you to see clearly what needs to be done and gives you the mobility necessary to do it. Wood energy also has a protective quality. When this energy is in balance, it rises fiercely (often as anger) to protect when boundaries have been violated.

Or it gets stuck.

When we have been taught that we have no agency, for example, when a boundary has been violated, and we cannot take action to protect ourselves by fleeing or fighting, that energy freezes  - and creates a subconscious belief that we have no control over what happens to us.

Time does not heal frozen energy; it remains frozen until we have cultivated the capacity for the energy to thaw and then consciously engage the frozen survival energy within us and allow it to move through our bodies to completion.

One of my teachers, Brazilian Healer Rubens Faria, teaches that the “highest vibration” we can experience or embody is Radical Compassion. In over thirty years of spiritual practice, working as a healer, and teaching others how they can heal and mature spiritually, I have learned that the only way to embody this highest vibration is to liberate our rage.

At the Cancer Full Moon, the next evolution of our ability to allow compassion to move us is emerging. I liken this emergence to a birth. We are birthing the next evolution of our compassionate selves. But just like a newborn human, this aspect of self must be nurtured so that it can grow into full expression. This aspect of self wants to craft objects, spaces, events, and situations that are infused with care and are deeply nurturing for all those involved.

To care for this aspect of self so that it grows into full expression, we must cultivate our capacity to feel the fear of the collective consciousness without being overwhelmed by it. When we feel the fear of the masses, especially as sensationalistic media often incites, we may get angry and feel the need to “do something,” or we may freeze, check out, and become numb.  

When we have the capacity to hold the fear without reacting to it, we can begin allowing it to “cook in the cauldron” of our Heart center and transform into compassion.

This is how we harness the energy of fear to fuel our creative endeavors and transform fear into something beautiful and deeply nourishing.


New Moon in Aquarius